Dear All,


Due to the escalation of the Coronavirus situation and the actions being taken by neighboring clubs the committee have decided to close the clubhouse entirely with immediate effect. Please support this decision which has been taken to safeguard the health of all our members. The only circumstance in which is now permissible to enter the clubhouse is  to access the defibrillator or the First Aid kit.


We have also introduced the following measures:

  • The courts will remain open to people who wish to play but this is at their own risk.
  • The Vets, internal leagues and other tournaments are suspended until further notice.
  • People should only play if they have arranged a singles, a doubles or booked a court as a family, in advance.
  • Please arrive ready to play and go home straight after your match.
  • For the rest of the week please provide your own tennis balls. We usually supply the tennis balls so we will explore if it is feasible to set a time and date for players to come to the club once a week to collect a tube of balls. Please mark and take your tennis balls home with you again after your match. Do not leave them at the club.
  • Players should consider wearing a glove to handle tennis balls.
  • Players should rotate round the court when changing ends rather than everyone changing on the same side.
  • Please follow the government guidelines on safe distancing.

I’m sorry we have had to introduce these more stringent measures but in doing so we hope this will allow people to continue to play tennis for as long as possible.


Looking ahead if the club is forced to shut down we still have bills to pay. Our yearly running costs are in the region of 45K and most of our income comes from membership subscriptions . We still need to meet these costs and take action to ensure the club is completely ready when the restrictions are lifted. Even if your prefer not to play tennis while we are going through this difficult time, you will be really supporting the club if you continue to pay your membership at the time you would usually pay. The spirit of the club and its members is undiminished and we will come through as we have always done before.






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