Dear Member,
I hope you are all keeping well and beginning to adapting to a new rhythm of life. As the courts have not been available for play since mid March and are unlikely to be available for some time several people have enquired how this will impact on their membership subscriptions.
The position is as follows. The present year which everyone has already paid for, runs through until the 30 April. The subs for the 2020/21 season are applicable from 1 May 2020. Many of you have demonstrated your commitment to the club by paying your 20/21 subs already. I would like to thank you for doing this. At the moment we have no idea when the present restrictions will be lifted but once the picture is clearer we will contact you again to explain the clubs approach to the loss of availability of the courts and the club house. In the meantime we have decided to extend the 10% early payment reduction on your 20/21 subscription until the end of April.
The criminal fraternity are well aware, at this difficult time, many sports facilities are closed and unattended. I have received reports there was a break in at Redhill Tennis club recently. We do not leave much of value in the club but any sort of break-in is unpleasant and distressing. If you are out for your daily exercise and happen to be near the club, could you just have a brief look to make sure everything is as it should be. If you notice anything suspicious please let me or any of the committee know.
Every day we are one day closer to the end of the lockdown. Lets hope the tide turns soon.
Stay safe
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