We are delighted to invite you to a tournament week running throughout half term at Reigate Priory LTC. 


Monday 25 October - 14&U - 10-14-year-olds
Tuesday 26 October - Orange Ball 8-10-year-olds
Wednesday 27 October - Green Ball 10-12-year-olds
Thursday 28 October - Red Ball 6-8-year-olds

Cost - £10 per event

Children are welcome to play up an age category. We will run the tournament according to the entry and provide on court tactical and positional advice where appropriate.

All participating players must have an LTA Advantage Number (British Tennis Membership Number). 

To participate in the tournament, please sign up by clicking on the following link:

Single Selection Class List (thinksmartsoftwareuk.com)

Please would you register before end of play on Thursday 21 October. Please note that places will be allocated on a first-come,first-served basis. Once the tournament reaches full capacity, we will operate a waiting list. 

For any questions please contact Russell Dykes, 07870271247, or russell@rpltc.co.uk

Reigate Priory Junior Championships 2024 

Winner - Runner-up

8&U Mini Red Singles - Ivaan Hawkes - Joshua Sadovskii (Round Robin Winner)

9&U Mini Orange Singles - Eloise Dykes - Noe Kearns (Round Robin Winner)

10&U Mini Green Singles - Harry Burton/ Nathan Jose/ Noe Kearns - Eloise Dykes/ Ben Taylor/ Thea Ward (Round Robin Winner)

12&U Boys Singles - TBC   

12&U Girls Singles - Amelie Dykes - Holly Saville 6-4 6-3

14&U Girls Singles - TBC

14&U Boys Singles - Max Pearson - Adam Murphy - 6-1 6-1

 U18 Girls & Boys Singles - TBC   

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