The Dinner Dance was once again brilliantly arranged and organized by Jacqui and took place on 22nd September. Everyone who attended had a wonderful evening.

The annual awards for “Most Improved Player of the Year” and Hugh’s “Club Contribution” were also announced on the evening… here is a message from Graham, our Chairman:

“For me, one of the highlights of the evening was to be able to present my two favourite awards.  These awards are in line with the inclusive, supportive and welcoming values we aspire to and represent much of what makes our club different and special – and why I like to be associated with it.

This year, we have two very well-deserved winners…

Firstly, we have The Most Improved Player award: by popular consent and against some stiff competition, the winner this year is Will Garrett.

Will has also embraced the club, helping with facilitating and umpiring, which is much appreciated.

Secondly, we have Hugh Brown’s Club Contribution award: The club runs on its volunteers, many of whom put a lot of time and effort into the club, so again, the field is strong!

However, this year, there was strong agreement that the award should go to Paul Botcherby, who, as well as his usual demanding treasurer role, was instrumental in enabling us to receive some £25,000 in grants from two sources to pay for the new LEDs. Developing the club’s case and filling in the forms to obtain these types of grants takes a huge amount of work but is vital in enabling us to invest in the club infrastructure.

Congratulations to both and thank you for your contributions.”

The evening ended with the attendees dancing the night away!

We really must thank Jacqui for everything she does – you can see from the photos how much attention to detail goes into it – she does a phenomenal job and we really must thank her once again for the wonderful things she does for the club.

Dinner Dance 23



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