We are now well into the winter leagues with matches being played over the weekends. Good luck to all those involved.

Tim has posted the results of the summer leagues up on the noticeboard in the clubhouse so if you’re at the club have a look to see how our teams performed.

Well done to everyone who played in the matches. The most notable successes from the summer, and huge congratulations go to:

  • Our men’s A team who came 2nd in their Surreys league and have been promoted to the next division up.
  • Our ladies’ A team who also came 2nd in the Surreys league and will move up to the next division
  • Our men’s A team in the Dorking and Leatherhead league 1 – they came 3rd which is the highest finish for over 5 years, it’s a tough league!
  • Our mixed A and B teams in the Dorking and Leatherhead league 1. The teams came joint 3rd.

Thanks must go to all the team captains; Paul, Cat, Katie, Bill, Tim, Hilary, Barbara, Nico, Graham, Chris and Clarissa who all did a fantastic job at arranging all the matches, sticking to the latest guidelines and achieving some fabulous results.



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