On Tuesday 18th October in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, the "friendship" tree gingko biloba was was officially planted by our President, Paul Byrne.

The ginko biloba symbolises longevity, hope and peace. The ceremony was attended by nearly 40 people from all the Reigate Priory Sports Clubs. Tea and cake was enjoyed by the attendees in the RPLTC clubhouse for the occasion

Tree Ceremony 2

Reigate Priory Junior Championships 2024 

Winner - Runner-up

8&U Mini Red Singles - Ivaan Hawkes - Joshua Sadovskii (Round Robin Winner)

9&U Mini Orange Singles - Eloise Dykes - Noe Kearns (Round Robin Winner)

10&U Mini Green Singles - Harry Burton/ Nathan Jose/ Noe Kearns - Eloise Dykes/ Ben Taylor/ Thea Ward (Round Robin Winner)

12&U Boys Singles - TBC   

12&U Girls Singles - Amelie Dykes - Holly Saville 6-4 6-3

14&U Girls Singles - TBC

14&U Boys Singles - Max Pearson - Adam Murphy - 6-1 6-1

 U18 Girls & Boys Singles - TBC   

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