Chairman’s Note

Looking back over the summer the Centenary Dinner was a great success. This was due to the hard work put in by Elaine and Peter Hargreaves and Clive Stevens supported by other club members. Elaine and Peter are stepping down from the Social Committee in December but I am encouraged by the response from within the club to take up the reins. We have had 3 volunteers so far but it would be great if we could persuade a fourth person to join the team. The unique selling points of the club are our grass courts and our sociability so it is vital we maintain a full range of social functions throughout the year. If you can give up a few hours of your time to join what promises to be a new dynamic team contact Peter Hargreaves


After a frustrating summer the Cricket Club solicitors have finally drawn up a draft 20 year lease. The committee and the trustees of the club will be given the opportunity to examine the new lease within the next week or so and hopefully be in a position to agree the content which will ensure we have a lease until 2039.

5 Year plan

Having completed phase 1 of our 5 year plan with the installation of the new artificial clay courts. We are now keen to move on to Phases 2 and 3 which are improvements to our grass courts and the internal redesign of the club house. With regard to the redesign of the club house I’m sure over the years club members have had some design work done to their own houses. So if any member does know of anyone who specialises in structural design, the committee would be very pleased to hear from them. A recommendation is always better than googling on the internet.

To take the Phase 2 and 3 of our plan forward, the committee would like to appoint a small sub-committee to move things on. Graham Burr has agreed to become involved but we need a couple more volunteers. If you feel you could help in some way please get in touch.

Autumn leaves

Leaves on the courts are a constant nuisance for a couple of months each year. The rugby club are embarking on a programme of tree felling adjacent to green lane and we are consulting with Reigate College about pollarding the trees by the path to the club house. In the meantime the burden of leaf clearance is falling on Russell. To help Russell can you sweep the courts of leaves before you start a match. We are looking to provide some bins to deposit accumulated leaves. From time to time we would like to arrange a working party to give the courts a good sweep. If you are able to spare an hour of time to join a working party please contact Catherine Hartshorn.


I have recently been reminded that some people at the club suffer for allergies mainly to do with nuts. As we cannot monitor what food people bring to the club we cannot institute a complete ban on various foodstuffs such as nuts. We are however drawing up a policy which promotes the avoidance of nuts. The bar committee are aware of this and will seek to provide suitable alternatives.


Hugh Brown




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